Monday, March 20, 2006

What A Crock of.........................

AP - "I understand how some Americans have had their confidence shaken," Bush said in a speech today, emphasizing progress in the Iraq war.

Dutty C Says: What in the hell are you talking about "progress"? And what do you mean by "some americans"? I would say "most americans".
It is really too bad that the majority of the U.S. elected and re-elected this jackass. Could someone please tell me one good thing he has done for our country. And please don't flood me with responses of Homeland Security and The Patriot Act. If you try to make a case for these reasons that supposedly protect the american public, you'd better clean up the kiddie porn off of your computer.


AuntBee said...

This is getting really outdated. You are stressing me out! But I'm not as stressed as you are, since you have to go back to work! FINALLY!

AuntBee said...

I'm tired of looking at this crap. Literally.